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• RT-PCR single step reaction • Master mix containing a highly processive dART reverse transciptase and a "hot start" DNA polymerase and the high-temperature active RNase inhibitor • 2X reaction buffer with dNTPs, stabilizers and reaction enhancements
• Native reverse transcriptase with a • Retained RNase H • Wide range of operating temperatures between 37 and 65 °C • Ideal for RT-PCR of GC-rich templates with a high degree of secondary structures, cDNA library synthesis and Sanger sequencing in particular
• SmART reverse transcriptase-based two-step RT-PCR kit • Reduced RNase H activity and increased thermostability and processivity of RT between 37 and 65 °C • Second strand synthesis (PCR) performed with OptiTaq high fidelity DNA polymerase • Ideal for cloning and diagnostics on fragments up to 7 kb
• NG dART reverse transcriptase-based two-step RT-PCR kit • Improved thermostability (up to 65 °C) and increased processability of RT • The PCR step is performed in a separate tube with the high fidelity OptiTaq • RT in master mix format for easy use of the kit and to reduce pipetting errors
• One-step RT-PCR kit based on thermostable reverse transcriptase and hot start Taq polymerase • Blend RT-RI 20X with reverse transcriptase and RNase inhibitor for high yields • OneStep 2X mix with Taq hot start, dNTPs, MgCl₂ and additives in a buffer optimised for low background and high sensitivity • For complex matrices, rich in GC or AT, and/or in low abundance in the starting sample
• SmART reverse transcriptase-based two-step real-time RT-PCR kit • Reduced RNase H activity and increased thermostability and processivity of RT between 37 and 65 °C • Real-time PCR step performed with Master Mix SG qPCR 2X, qPCR with SYBR Green I probe • Contains a high-performance hot-start DNA polymerase ideal for real-time diagnostics • Contains uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG) to prevent cross-contamination • Available with ROX dye for standardisation
• One-step real-time RT-PCR kit with SYBR Green I dye • Enzyme master mix consisting of reverse transcriptase, onTaq's highly processive hot start DNA polymerase and a Rnase inhibitor • Buffer mix containing dNTPs (dTTP partially replaced by dUTP) and SYBR Green I dye • Uracile N-glycosylase heat-labile provided to limit the risk of cross-contamination • Available with ROX solution (separate tube)
• One-step real-time RT-PCR kit with SYBR Green I dye • Proofreading activity maintained during retrotranscription and PCR • SG Pro enzyme master mix consisting of a reverse transcriptase active at 52-72 °C without loss of specificity or sensitivity, a DNA polymerase and an RNase inhibitor • Buffer mix containing dNTPs (dTTP partially replaced by dUTP) and SYBR Green I dye • Uracile N-glycosylase (UNG) heat-labile provided to limit the risk of cross-contamination (optional use)
• One-step RT-qPCR mix with IC Green fluorescent dye • Contains reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase in a buffer optimised to combine enzyme processivity and reaction sensitivity • Compatible with fast and ultra-fast cycle programs • Can be used for DNA quantification, gene detection, melting curve analysis and more • Available in Hi-Rox and Low-Rox versions, for 100 or 500 reactions of 20 µl
• One-step RT-qPCR mix designed to use probes including TaqMan®, Scorpions® and molecular beacon probes • Contains an efficient reverse transcriptase stable at 45-55 °C and a hot start DNA polymerase • Can be used for RNA quantification, pathogen detection, high throughput gene screening.. • Compatible with fast cycling protocols • Available in Hi-Rox and Low-Rox versions, for 100 or 500 reactions of 20 µl
• Reaction mixtures for one-step RT-qPCR • CDNA synthesis and qPCR for up to 5 targets in around one hour • Ready-to-use kit in a single tube containing : SOLIScript reverse transcriptase, Ribogrip RNAse inhibitor, Salini UNG™ enzyme, 5X qPCR mix (HOT FIREpol polymerase, nucleotides, MgCl₂ (12.5 mM), ROX) and molecular biology water • Addition of matrix, primers and probes only • Salini UNG™ uracil-N-Glycosylase reduces the risk of cross-contamination by removing DNA from previous PCR reactions